Romeo Charlie eQSLs & Certificates

Certificates for Romeo Charlie Contests & Trophies are avaiblables here.

Fill-in the following form with your QRZ to download your Romeo Charlie eQSLs.

Last 24 hours Romeo Charlie activities : 506 new eQSLs available.
Romeo Charlie News

RC South America Contest 2024
Published 2024-07-12

Concours RC Sud Amérique 2024
Published 2024-07-12

Concurso RC Sur America 2024
Published 2024-07-12

Trophée RC Jeux Olympiques Paris 2024
Published 2024-07-11

Radio coax power loss calculator
Published 2024-06-10

My IOTA Book
Published 2024-06-09

RC Olympic Games PARIS 2024 Trophy
Published 2024-05-26

Welcome to new Members

30 RC 725 Angel
Join us the 2024-07-25, from Spain

30 RC 717 Jose
Join us the 2024-07-25, from Spain

30 RC 641 Manel
Join us the 2024-07-25, from Spain

3 RC 181 Antonio Marcio
Join us the 2024-07-21, from Brazil

19 RC 182 Korrie
Join us the 2024-07-21, from Netherlands

2 RC 101 Jorge
Join us the 2024-07-21, from United States Of America

Become a Romeo Charlie Radio Operator

Since 1988 and after few decades of activities, Romeo Charlie DX group counts more than 1700 members in 150 divisions.

  • Serious QSL management
  • Unique eQSL system & meta-cluster
  • Online logs monitors
  • Free contests, trophies & Challenges
  • Activations all around the world
  • Free fee for most of divisions
  • Personal web page for members
  • One of the most active DX group on 11m band

It's time for a change... Join a modern DX group... Looking to the future !

Romeo Charlie 11 meters band International Radio DX Group

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